
Jumper EZbook X3 Air laptop review: An affordable alternative with a premium finish

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Central

Jumper isn't a peculiarly large make, merely the firm is starting to pop up more and more in my DMs from people curious nigh their devices. The firm more often than not seems to make tech that at to the lowest degree looks premium, with the budget-conscious in mind. The EZbook X3 Air is no exception, with a design that looks like it could've come off Dell or Apple's assembly line, with a far, far more affordable price tag.

The compromise, of grade, is performance, merely if you're a educatee or looking to buy an entry-level experience for your kid's homework assignments, the Jumper EZbook X3 Air might be a great buy for you.

An EZ buy decision

Jumper Ezbook X3 Air

Jumper EZbook X3 Air


Bottom line: This is i laptop that truly looks not bad, providing a slap-up experience for streaming, browsing the web and typing documents, merely more intensive tasks should be avoided. However, in an update, information technology took only a few months of life for the HDD to die, and repairing it is almost impossible.


  • Looks corking
  • Lightweight and ergonomic
  • Decent key travel and trackpad
  • All the essential ports
  • No bloatware or pre-installed vendor apps


  • Brandish isn't the brightest
  • Intel Celeron performance isn't the best
  • HDD failed later a few months of utilise, you should avoid this laptop.

Design and features

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Primal

The best thing about the Jumper EZbook X3 Air is the surprisingly loftier-quality construction and stop, especially when you lot take into account that svelte price betoken. Chamfered edges with a metallic finish really give information technology a hint of premium flair, with chiclet keys with decent key travel and a precision touchpad that makes browsing and discussion processing quite pleasant.

Category Spec
Display IPS 13.three-inch, 1920 10 1080 Hard disk
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 600
CPU Intel Celeron Gemini Lake Quad-core 1.1GHz-2.4GHz
Storage 128GB SSD
Wireless Bluetooth, WiFi
Weight two.71 pounds
Bombardment five-7 hours
Dimensions 12.09 x 7.91 x 0.45 inches

The EZbook X3 Air sports a 1080p Hard disk drive IPS display, which gets decent colour reproduction and sharpness, just lacks brightness to the bespeak where it might be unusable outdoors. For the most part, though, you lot'll probably be using this in an role or a school scenario, which renders the brightness a fleck of a moot point. For indoor apply, information technology's totally adequate, with decent viewing angles. Simply keep it away from a window, though, because this panel is non really designed to ward off glare.

The bezels around the display are more the sort I'd look to meet on higher-end brands, sparse enough to give information technology a dash of modernity, while yet remaining affordable. The top bezel is angled a little wider to house a webcam, which is a preferable solution to putting the webcam down low as we've seen on some laptops that become a petty too over-obsessed with thin bezels. The webcam quality will exist decent plenty for taking those piece of work or schoolhouse Zoom calls, merely don't expect to be doing any content creation with it.

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Cardinal

I have to give Jumper another shoutout for its impressive array of ports. Jumper managed to squeeze a USB 3.0 and a USB 2.0 port on both sides, despite existence an incredible 0.4 inches thick, using a mechanical interface that expands to accommodate larger ports while in utilise. Alongside the power interface, we also accept a USB-C port, a mini-Hd port, an SD card reader, and a 3.5mm audio jack. If you lot're the type who needs something that interface with practically annihilation on a budget, the EZbook X3 Air has you covered.

Speaking of sound, the EZbook X3 Air has downward-firing speakers that pull surprisingly impressive sound, oft better than what I've heard on far more expensive laptops, consummate with DTS certification.

What about performance?

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Central

The Jumper EZbook X3 Air is a laptop that is designed with a very specific consumer in heed, with components that were designed for very specific consumers. The EZbook X3 Air utilizes Intel's Gemini Lake Celeron processor, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

I was actually adequately impressed with the performance of the EZbook X3 Air. It handles media apps like Netflix with ease, and most websites run well on Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. Office tools like Give-and-take, Powerpoint, and the like don't struggle.

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Central

Even so, if you lot attempt to movement up to things like Adobe Photoshop, or even higher, like Premiere Pro, you may detect that y'all've hit the limits of what this laptop tin can do.

This isn't existence marketed every bit a gaming motorcar by any means either, just when services similar Project xCloud on Xbox Game Pass proliferate on PC, this could actually become a decent gaming option for in between those intense written report sessions. The Intel Graphics Hard disk 600 combined with 8GB of RAM and the quad-core Celeron processor can actually make brusk work of many older, less-intensive gaming titles on Steam too. Just don't expect to be running Cyberpunk 2077 or whatsoever modern game on this thing. Fifty-fifty Minecraft and World of Warcraft don't run especially well.

The bombardment performance fell largely in-line with listed expectations, hit about four-5 hours on a single accuse with boilerplate day-to-day blogging utilise. This might not exist enough to get a full workday out of for most people, only using Windows 10's battery-saving features can button that juice upward to around vi-7 hours.

Update January 15, 2022: Later on a few months of lite utilize, the EZBook X3 Air HDD died, and the system has a strange BIOS that makes repairing it hard.

Should yous purchase the Jumper EZbook X3 Air?

Jumper Tech Laptop Review Source: Windows Key

For the vast bulk of people, the Jumper EZbook X3 Air is actually a surprisingly capable motorcar, for things like web browsing, Office, webmail, and beyond. The experience offers a few compromises when information technology comes to more intensive tasks, but for higher students looking to save money, or someone looking to buy their kid an entry-level laptop experience, this is a truly great selection.

The Jumper EZbook X3 Air might non win any best Windows laptop awards, and you won't be editing 4K video footage on the Jumper EZbook X3 Air or playing next-gen AAA games with ray tracing. I suspect you knew that already, though. This is more akin to a netbook experience, and in that, the EZbook X3 Air excels. However, the HDD failed after only a few months of use, which is a grim reminder of what tin happen if you purchase cheap hardware. This is probably best avoided.

An affordable alternative

Jumper Ezbook X3 Air

Jumper EZbook X3 Air

An EZ purchase determination.

For college students, older kids, or someone who just wants the basics of discussion processing, emails, and mayhap some Netflix, the EZbook X3 Air is a truly keen option. Or, it would be, if the HDD didn't fail after a few months of low-cal use.

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