
Chime in: Are you confident in Microsoft's future consumer strategy?

Microsoft has faced a fair share of criticism for its consumer-facing efforts, dropping products across several categories over recent years. With Windows Phone and Groove Music prime examples of products failing to resonate with consumers, the visitor is gaining a reputation for failing to back up its long-term followers.

While Microsoft is commended for many of its height products, others in its wide portfolio fall short of the competition. The Microsoft Border browser misses notable features seen across Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, with several competitors overshadowing its market place share. 1 Windows Cardinal forum user drew attending to Edge's downfalls, which led to them leaving the browser behind.



Okay, maybe the title of this thread was a little out at that place. :cool: Anyhow, here are the reasons why I won't employ Border merely all the same. Can't import history from any browser except Internet Explorer: this was the deal-breaker for the April 2022 update. It's 2022, and Edge still prioritizes IE (which hasn't been updated in ages). I'm sure that at that place is a backhanded way to fix this (eastward.thou. some mode...


Just every bit e'er, we want to hear your thoughts on Microsoft's consumer strategy. Do any Microsoft products fall brusque of your expectations? What would you like to see improved? Check out the forum thread linked below to share your thoughts on the topic.

StrangeEdge or: How I Learned to End Worrying and Honey Firefox


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